Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Happy New Year 2013! Make it happen!

Dear readers,

Image and video hosting by TinyPicFirst of all let me take this opportunity to wish you a Happy New Year 2013!

How was 2012 for you?

I do hope that you start the new year as you mean to go on.

I tried something different this year. I spent the last day of 2012 working (in my new christmas temp role), running errands, catching up with friends and family, creating my goals for 2013 and listening to Napoleon Hill. Yes! I managed to do all of that in one day with a clear (read: sober) head the next morning. LOL.
Time is flying by but there is much to do in 24 hours.

If you have not done so already, I recommend that you reflect on 2012 and the things that you achieved during the past year. Reflection on the past is extremely important when wanting to be TOTT.
My best friend (as inspired by Deepak Chopra) views meditation as being another important method of reflection and dealing with challenges. The idea is to clear the mind to make space for future ideas.

Rosetta of Happy Black Woman has an awesome blog post on reviewing 2012...

According to Rosetta, there are 10 questions that you can ask yourself to help you review the past year. I used her questions to create a sentimental review of 2012 that I will refer to throughout the new year for guidance.

Here is my reflection of 2012.
This is a general reflection because I wish to keep private my own answers to HBW's review 2012 journaling questions.
Perhaps, I will share my 2012 review with you on December 31st 2013 ^_^.

The motto for 2013 is “Make it happen!”. Some of my goals include: Doing well in my first year at university, finding a mentor, attending Wimbledon, blogging at least fortnightly and organising a social event for the members of my college.
How will I make this happen? By taking full (100%) responsibility for my thoughts and actions. This does not mean that I will ‘make it happen’ by myself, there will be moments when I require help or information from another person. However, I am responsible for seeking assistance and asking the right questions in order to achieve my goals.

Readers what are your goals for 2013? Are you willing to take full responsibility for meeting those goals?

~Lady Tott~

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