Tuesday, 28 August 2012

What this blog is not...

Hello readers,

As the lady of this blog, I will not tolerate spam comments, negative comments, discriminating comments, foul language or attacks on blog owners, fellow readers/commenters (Totties) or people in the public eye.

What this blog is...

Hello readers,

Top of The Tree For Me or Tottforme is a blog that aims to be a safe space for women who think like me or identify with me (see blog post titled introducing Lady Tott).

Men are welcome here.

This blog will be written for women and so will the blog posts unless indicated otherwise.

Introducing Lady Tott

Hello readers,

I hope that you are well.

I am the blog owner; Lady Tott, and would like to introduce myself.

I am a normal young woman who hails from the beautiful English capital city of London and enjoys living life to the fullest.

Here are some facts about me (other than what is already in my blogger profile):